I adore any natural skincare ranges and recently came across this one called Alison Claire.
They produce skincare made of pure and natural ingredients... fuelled by the response to public awareness of the exposure of irritant chemicals in most allot of mass produced beauty brands.
Their whole range is:
dermatologically tested
Suitable for sensitive skin
Made using only natural fragrances
They pinpointed their so called '4 big nasties' commonly used in mainstream products
Anything with Laurel or Laureth Sulphate in the name
(foaming agents that can irritate the skin)
Parabens - a preservative which research has shown to have carcinogenic properties
Phenoxyethanol - another preservative that can depress both the
nervous and the immune system
PEGs, used as engine degreasers, they can loosen the hair from its follicle and cause shedding. (yikes!!!!)
Sounds horrific listed like that...yet we all happily put these on our skin most days!!
Thankfully Alison Claire uses none of these...just lots of yummy stuff instead.
Her range covers haircare, skincare and cleansing....and i had a lovely little sample to try from the skincare range - Peppermint and Witch Hazel footcream.
Now i haven't come across any product in a while which uses witch hazel as an ingredient..it literally takes me back to being a kid and my mum using it on cuts and bruises on my legs!!
The cream have a lovely subtle minty fragrance to it, but what I was most surprised about was how light the cream was. Now as a foot cream you usually expect it to be quite thick or heavy....this was nothing like that...so at first I was a bit worried that it wouldn't work that well.
Well i was wrong.....light it may be but it certainly packs a 'skin moisturising' punch as it melted right in leaving my skin feeling lovely and soft and visibly improved after just one application.
I am genuinely surprised at how good it makes your skin feel....and especially the skin on your feet...its tough stuff which is why i thought the lightness of the cream wouldn't be effective...well it was....that shows me doesn't it!!
The cream is available for just £12 for 200ml via their website.
If you want to keep up to date with what they have to offer or find out more about their products check out their:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/alisonclairenb
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Toxy xxx