30 August 2012

Want to shop AND earn money - Meet Mallzee

Mallzee logo

As a girl who loves online shopping i was very excited by a recent email i got from a company called Mallzee. Mallzee are a brand new online shopping experience yet to be launched - users can basically create their own shopping mall by simply picking their favourite brands. It also has a great social aspect to it whereby you can then invite friends to visit your mall via Facebook chat. You can then discuss products, save favourite items and purchase from the mall.

Mallzee webpage

The best thing is....for every one of your Friends that does purchase something via your mall...you actually earn money back on every purchase...even more of an incentive to share.

They have got over 200 brands signed up so far such as Urban Outfitters, New Look 
and Feel Unique. 

The design of the website looks really good and with such an exciting new concept you can't help to be excited about the launch!!

So now your thinking.....how do i sign up?

Well at the moment they are offering limited Pre Launch Invites - to get one simply pop on over to their site to sign up.

Full launch will be later on this year....but to keep up to date with all news pre launch you can follow them via the following sites:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MallzeeHQ
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Mallzee

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  1. What a great idea, love it! <3

  2. Very cute idea, I'm gonna sign up ;)
    Makeup by Rachel

  3. Whoa this sounds really cool!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, sorry to hear about the c-section taking so long to heal :( the hospital systems suck at times grr!
    Have followed back xx
    Sylvia @ sweetpeasylvie.blogspot.com

  4. this sounds SO good!gonna definitely check it out :) c


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Toxy xxx

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